Thursday, July 17, 2008

Last of the RITA Nominated Interviews (sniff) :-). Next time I talk about the RITA's I'll be back home from SF!

Introducing Emily Gee from New Zealand!! (Her nominated book THIEF WITH NO SHADOW is currently out of stock, so there might not be a contest winner for this interview - but please comment anyway:) Welcome Emily!

How did you get started in the publishing business?

I wrote, and wrote, and wrote—the typical apprenticeship. My sixth book sold … just when I was on the point of giving up!
Any surprises? Biggest challenge so far?

My biggest challenge has been juggling the demands of work and writing. Something has to give—and unfortunately it’s usually the writing!
What is the best part of being a novelist?

The license to daydream as much as I like!
What’s the average day in the writer’s life look like for you? Are you scheduled and organized or are you more the “fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants” type?

I’m much happier when I’m organized. Typically I get up and go for a long walk, then write until it’s time to go to work. In the evening I may do some more writing—with a glass of wine!
What are your inspirations for your stories? Any tips and tricks for someone who is stuck?

No inspirations! I just daydream far too much…
Whenever I’m stuck, I go for a walk around the hills. By the time I get home I’ve worked out the answer to my problem.
Have you had a mentor, critique group or teacher that has helped you get where you are today? Have you been a mentor to someone else?

A very generous writer named Lisa Chaplin (Melissa James) read and critiqued a fantasy novel of mine. She made me rethink how I’d written each scene in the book. Without her help I may never have signed with an agent--or sold a book!
What does it mean to you to be nominated for a RITA award? How did you feel when you got the call? And what do you think the RITA means for the romance novel genre?

I was quite stunned to be nominated—and I walked on air for several days!
This may be the wrong analogy, but for me the RITA is the equivalent of the Oscars—the best of the best, as judged by peers. Just perhaps not so high profile as the Oscars!
What are you wearing to the RITA Awards Ceremony in San Francisco? (LOL) Do you have the dress picked out? Any stories?
Well … I wasn’t planning on attending the San Francisco conference (the cost was prohibitive) but fortunately I received a conference scholarship, so I’ll be there! My dress is something my sister found in an op shop—but it looks expensive (or at least, that’s what I tell myself!)

Are you preparing a speech in case you win?

I haven’t yet, but my writing mates Downunder are determined that I shall!
Congratulations on your RITA nomination. Any last thoughts?

I’m thrilled to have been nominated and I’m looking forward to San Francisco—and meeting my fellow nominees—with great excitement!


Molly Daniels said...

Congrats on your nomination:)

SAbrat said...

I look forward to seeing your winning the contest. Stay blessed!

Cherie J said...

Congratulations on your nomination!

Carol M said...

I would also like to add my congratulations! :)

cheryl c said...

Congrats on your nomination! Your book sounds wonderful! I wish you much continued success.

Rel said...

Woo hoo - love seeing a fellow antipodean doing well! Congrats, Emily :)

Terri Garey said...

Hi, Emily! I knew I'd like you, and when I got the "writing with wine" part, I became sure of it! :-) Congratulations on your nomination!

Emily May said...

Oh, yes, writing with wine is one of life's pleasures! Can't wait to meet you, Terri -- we're clearly kindred spirits!